All Our New Goings On
>> Thursday, April 10, 2008
I started walking early every morning with some wonderful neighbor ladies and I'm so delighted getting getting to know them while getting some exercise. It's an answer to prayer!
We also started horseback riding lessons in exchange for work on the lady's ranch. We put in a good three hours work and then ride for a while and it's been fantastic. My little guy (twin with Down Syndrome) went from clinging on the fence, to barely sitting in the saddle to trotting with no hands and an English saddle in three weeks. Awesome progress!
And now we are all involved in Little League for the next 10 weeks. All three boys are on teams so we'll be busy for the duration. We already have double headers for Tristan and Tyler at Fort Bragg and Point Arena on the coast at the same time Jason has his in Willits. If Jaime had wanted to sign up (and I encouraged her to), what would I have done???
We are also planning camps and homeschool conferences and well, it just seems somehow to go a little easier when we get busier for some reason. Unless we all crash and burn which is still a real possibility. So, that's what we've been up to. Any newsworthy bashes or fights will be reported first here. Unless you hear it on Fox News while we are still in custody.