Tyler Braveheart
>> Saturday, June 28, 2008
Little Bear Wheeler is an incredible man. He's got an incredible story and he is an incredible person in real life. We are going back for more this morning, so I'll add more to this later.
We are a very rural homeschooling family and these are our day to day adventures. Four children still at home and a sidetracked mother guiding them--God has such a sense of humor, you know?
Little Bear Wheeler is an incredible man. He's got an incredible story and he is an incredible person in real life. We are going back for more this morning, so I'll add more to this later.
Jaime--the family's best fisherperson!
Here is the quilt mess. There are squares already cut out, the strips of handkerchief material partly cut out, the batting, the backings preshrunk and waiting for whatever is going to happen to it, and jeans ready to cut more squares if I need them. It is a huge project and I think I'll go to the library and pretend I don't have this mess on my floor. Making a mess is enough for one day. Well, that and the fact that I have no idea what I'm doing here. That in itself is nothing new, but sometimes it makes me queasier than others.
The wonderful lady who gives my children riding lessons called this morning at 8:30. Her ranch has been threatened by some of the fires burning in the area and she needed some help. We love nothing more than to help, so we packed up and spent the day hauling brush from under trees, moving anything flammable to a safe place, etc. We worked hard for a couple of hours and then she served us all the most delicious soup ever and we had a lovely break and some watermelon, then we headed back out and worked until 4:30. It's impossible to tell where each fire is when you can't even see the mountains due to the thick smoke-it's so amazing. The last news she got was that the fire was 3-5 miles away but slowing because of firefighters giving it some attention. If it gets closer she'll move her horses, but for now things look good. We are so blessed to have the time to be available when we were needed!
We are throttled here at the ranch. Using too much satellite gets us choked down for 24 hours and #1 Son just got an iPod and has been downloading things to the tune of whatever it is that is over our limit.
I've gone down and gotten the backing and batting for the quilt. I thought piecing the front together was the hard work. Choosing fabric with a 15 year old boy made the sewing part seem like a vacation. Er, will make the sewing part seem like a vacation. I might be getting ahead of myself. Nevertheless, the point was that choosing the material with another person not of your same kind, was difficult.
I'm not sure who Vin is, but after days of messing with trying to fix the header, Vin patiently went over the HTML code and did all kinds of magic and presto! it's all fixed. Thanks, Vin! I tried to put his button on the blog as a thanks, but the HTML code didn't like it and couldn't save it. His address is: http://betabloggerfordummies.blogspot.com
Boomama has a great idea for motivating us to get some long put off projects finished. She is having a Before and After link so that we can show what we have accomplished by July 25th. I have so many projects I don't know what I'm choosing yet, but I'll definitely be doing something. Maybe Tristan's quilt. That's only been in process for 10-12 years.
This side yard is my favorite spot this time of year. There is lavender and rosemary blooming in the foreground (my picture didn't get it very well), the Coat of Many Colors rose and another spicy scented one that I bought on a whim. The label said it wasn't hardy, but it's lived through five years of snow and ice and is doing great. The Cecile Bruner is over the arbor and really needs another arbor on the other side. I love the smell of all of these drifting up to my bedroom window!
Because strangely, they just don't let kids play baseball with cowboy boots, even if he has Shoe Retrieval Issues, as has been discussed before. He's such a kick in the pants!
We did, in fact, get the chinchilla. They are pretty amazing little animals. (I'll keep saying positive things about them in case I need to offload her at some point. I'll hold a contest for all two of you reading this. Your odds of winning her may be very good.) So far she has been way better than we even thought she'd be. Here are a few pluses:
Baseball for the three boys has been going remarkably well. Jason got a great hit on the first pitch yesterday and he also fielded for the first time and made a great throw. All three boys did well in the bat-a-thon a couple of weeks ago so they got tickets to the A's game for June 22nd. HoneyHusband will go with them and they'll have a Guys Day Out. Jaime and I will do something fun together while they are gone. Maybe go for pedicures or something. Ideas anyone?
Our e-mail was suddenly gone a couple of days ago, while I was in the middle of negotiations for obtaining a chinchilla as our new pet. Some might consider that God's blessing. Nevertheless, not having any mail program is an abrupt something or other, wouldn't you have to agree? Then HoneyHusband tried to fix it and deleted my entire mail--inbox, drafts (where I save anything remotely interesting) and anything else I may have forgotten to dramatize. Everything. Including my right arm and the vacuum cleaner. Maybe not the vacuum cleaner.