Living Proof Live in Stockton
>> Saturday, June 27, 2009
Where on earth would I start with this kind of blessing?
We are a very rural homeschooling family and these are our day to day adventures. Four children still at home and a sidetracked mother guiding them--God has such a sense of humor, you know?
Where on earth would I start with this kind of blessing?
Well, that last posting was stupid, in all twenty kinds of ways. Angie doesn't even know I have a blog and wouldn't care if I did. And nobody else who reads this knows Angie.
Here is the cleaned floor. With lovely paint that--coincidentally--matches the walls. What are the odds? We are either going to have to sand and redo the floor in another varnish or paint it somehow. It's the project that keeps on giving.
And here is the partly finished room. I love it in spite of all my mistakes and can hardly wait to finish. We have throw pillows and wall accents ready and we'll do some curtain somethings and the closet doors and baseboards. Look for a completion date somewhere in early 2010...
After waiting and praying for a couple of years, Tyler has been blessed with a dog! Some ranching friends of ours have a line of Border Collies that they have bred for four generations and they let him choose one of the litter. He's the smartest dog I've ever seen and we are happy to welcome Diggity to our family.
Out to the trampoline for a pre-breakfast romp! And it is *warm* outside. And dry, so the boots are just for effect, much like the helmet.
Preflight--about to go
Tristan at the controls for a training flight given to him by his more than awesome orthodontist. Thanks, Dr. Grey!
I gave Jason the camera as they were about to take off and told him to get some good pictures.
I thought he did pretty well, considering he usually loves to get photos of the inside of his mouth...
The girls transformed the room into a beautiful tent and we had lots of pillows on the floor and several delicious Moroccan dishes--lamb and couscous, basilla (Moroccan pigeon pie), watermelon and baklava.
This is such a fantastic time of year. It's always a race to see who wins--if the weather stays nice I can get a jump on the weeds, or the weather is soggy and the weeds grow 4 inches a day and by the time it dries out they are above my waist.
I think the scientists would be more valuable finding a way to increase the rate, like say, 100% or more.
This looks a little grey when it is really a purply eggplant color. I am very pleased with how it came out and now I'm about to tackle Jaime's room, which is quite a more involved undertaking.
There's certainly no good reason for being gone for so long from blogland, only lame excuses and I'm always full of those, but I'll spare you.
My son is now my #1 photographer. I love his pictures!
Read more...In the morning before I had my Town Adventures (ahem), we had three huge gravel truckloads of road base dumped on our driveway. It was wonderful, but it also needed a whole lot of shoveling and raking in order to spread it where it goes.
Cause, boy, do I have things to say.