Happy Birthday to My Sweet Twins!

>> Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Susanne´s blogg March 18, 2009 at 8:18 AM  

Happy birthday from all of us too...and please eat some Donuts from me.
Oh! how I miss your Donuts end icecream.
Do you remember when i bought lots of Donuts and Jason had a big party on his own on the table with all the Donuts?I am still smiling when I am thinking of that.
Hurra,Hurra,Hurra to Jamie and Jason!

OhLookADuck March 31, 2009 at 10:51 AM  

If we aren't careful Jason still licks all the frosting off. And I still cringe when I remember when he did it when you were over. How I'd love to send you some unlicked donuts!

stefndawniy April 5, 2009 at 3:58 AM  

happy birthday xx

i don't know how on earth I've missed posts on your blog , for some reason it didn't update on ,y bloglist - so sorry it's not i'm not bothering - i'll catch up tonight - my laptop's broken and i've not got long on steph's pc xxx