I Can Misbuild A Shed With The Best Of Them

>> Sunday, March 14, 2010

Here is my trapezoidal horse shelter, done with absolutely *no* level, plumb or boughten lumber of any sort. Sorry to gloat over my talent guys, but look at the beauty I created and see if you wouldn't have that same sense of pride in a job well done. After a good rain we did have to put down some rebar to keep the sides from sliding further out, but that was within a reasonable timeframe and well within our non existant construction warranty.

Here's a second picture. Sorry it's of Side B, but can you see the electric fencing going *through* the shelter? That, folks, was pure brilliance on my part. It kept the grain under shelter (and mostly dry, thanks to the extra tarp cover) and the horse couldn't get into it. My talents are wasted, I'm telling you.


dawn May 23, 2010 at 2:32 AM  

amazing hun, :-)
sorry i'd lost your blog for a while
found you again
i dont know how i had because i'm following it , but i had lol xxx

Nara October 14, 2012 at 7:32 PM  

A shed? Please visit The Daily Howl! (http://blog-thedailyhowlnewz.blogspot.com/) ^.^